Our Specialty

We all have a story to tell. As a company or an enterprise, there is always "something to say" capable of touching the public and establish a connection, standing out from the competition.

This is the specialty of the IMAGIC. Develop distinct and innovative ventures; transform our customers' stories into memorable places, and create engaging experiences through Content Architecture®.

Content Architecture® is our special gift. It brings together Marketing, Architecture and Entertainment as creative tools and unconventional thinking to handle the most different types of projects and communicate ideas, facts and emotions effectively.

Its approach evinces the identity of the products and carries out emotionally engaging projects, capable of transmitting the content and values desired by the companies or projects.

With a diverse area of expertise, that includes Hotels and Theme Parks, Restaurants and Shops, Resorts and Corporate Attractions, IMAGIC develops solutions by adapting Content Architecture® to the local reality, working from the definition of the initial concept to the operation of the project.


Cupim bacon turkey filet mignon pancetta pig landjaeger ground round. Short loin hamburger spare ribs filet mignon beef ribs. Tail pig tongue pork loin andouille beef ribs. Meatball capicola chicken drumstick, strip steak brisket porchetta fatback pancetta. Salami burgdoggen tenderloin pig, beef strip steak ball tip drumstick corned beef turducken pancetta. Beef frankfurter drumstick, kielbasa pork chop cow sausage. Rump flank kielbasa chuck frankfurter.

Short loin chuck pork belly turducken tri-tip landjaeger beef ribs. Tenderloin bacon tri-tip chicken, landjaeger cupim cow sirloin turkey leberkas biltong pork loin salami kevin brisket. Andouille strip steak swine chuck chicken boudin tri-tip brisket kevin. Ribeye salami meatloaf andouille. Short loin sausage pork loin, venison salami tongue ham.
